This program will allow you to perform at the highest level possible within your own particular sport / discipline.
Throughout my experiences as a competitive athlete and professional soldier I was able to achieve some of the highest levels of physical fitness possible!
Now, this was not simply due to blessed genetics and robotic discipline, but instead it was a result of some very simple principles that ANYONE can implement.
So, join me on this journey to unleash your full athletic potential so that you can become the best you can possibly be!
Chapter 1
Understand & Apply The Basic Principles Of Fitness Related Progression: So that you can become the best athlete possible!
Problem Solve Plateaus: So that you never stop progressing in your sport / discipline!
- Practice Your Discipline / Sport Correctly: So that you never waste time doing things you’re not supposed to!
Chapter 2
- Train For Strength Sports: Olympic Lifting / Strongman / Powerlifting: So that you can perform at a respectable standard in professional competitions!
Chapter 3
- Train For Endurance Sports: Long Distance Running, Cycling, Swimming, Triathlon, Elite Level Soldiering Organizations & Special Forces Selection: So that you can perform at the highest standards in running, swimming, cycling, as well as perform at a superior standard on any elite level soldering selection course!
Chapter 4
- Train For Power, Speed & Agility Sports: Rugby, Soccer & American Football: So that you can perform at the highest standards in rugby, soccer & American football!
Chapter 5
- Train For Coordination Heavy Sports: Tennis, Golf & Baseball: So that you can perform at the highest standards in tennis, golf & baseball!
Chapter 6
- Train For Balance & Flexibility Sports: Gymnastics, Dance & The Martial Arts: So that you can perform at the highest standards in gymnastics, dance & the martial arts.
Chapter 7
How To Prepare For Your Specific Goals Using This Step By Step Program: So that you do not feel overwhelmed applying this wealth of knowledge!
- How To Innovate Your Own Practice Through Creative Processing: So that you can create your own way to becoming the healthiest, fittest and strongest version of you!